Chronicles of the Silent Castle - Stories Carved in Stone - Poem Lyrics in English


Chronicles of the Silent Castle - Stories Carved in Stone - Poem Lyrics in English

In the silent castle where time stands still,

Chronicles of the Silent Castle, stories carved in stone, a testament to will.

Walls bearing witness to tales untold,

A symphony of echoes in the castle's quiet fold.

Stone archways echo whispers of the past,

In the Silent Castle's chronicles, where memories last.

Stories carved in the fortress's ancient bone,

A timeless anthology in the silent stone.

Gargoyles perched like guardians of lore,

In the castle's chronicles, where history implore.

Stone steps worn by the footsteps of old,

A symphony of tales in the castle's stronghold.

Moonlight paints tales on the silent walls,

Chronicles of the Silent Castle, where history enthralls.

Stories carved in the stones' stoic tone,

A castle's memoirs in the silent stone.

Courtyards echo with the ghosts of yore,

In the castle's chronicles, where legends explore.

Whispers of the ancient, where mysteries are sown,

A symphony of echoes in the silent stone.

So let the castle's tales linger in the quiet night,

Chronicles of the Silent Castle, where stories take flight.

Stories carved in stone, where history is honed,

A timeless symphony in the silent stone.

In the chronicles of the silent castle, where echoes reside,

Stories carved in stone, a tale of time's silent guide.

Walls stand as sentinels, silent and grand,

In the silent castle, where history finds its hand.

Chronicles of the Silent Castle - Stories Carved in Stone - Poem Lyrics in English
Chronicles of the Silent Castle - Stories Carved in Stone - Poem Lyrics in English

Moonlight paints the stones in a silver hue,

In the chronicles of the castle, where stories accrue.

Whispers of the wind in the courtyard's space,

Stories carved in stone, in the castle's embrace.

Gargoyles watch from their stone abode,

In the silent castle, where secrets are bestowed.

Each stone a chapter, each corridor a rhyme,

Chronicles of the castle, a tapestry of time.

Listen to the echoes in the stone-laden halls,

In the chronicles of the castle, where silence enthralls.

A symphony of stories in the castle's tone,

In the silent castle, where history is carved in stone.

In the quiet shadows where tales softly unfold,

Chronicles of the Silent Castle, stories carved in stone, ancient and bold.

Whispers in the courtyard, where the echoes roam,

A tapestry of silence, where stories find their home.

Walls that stand as sentinels, guardians of the past,

In the Silent Castle's chronicles, where memories last.

Stone by stone, the narrative is honed,

In the castle's embrace, where history is stoned.

Turrets that touch the skies, a silent salute,

Chronicles etched in stone, where history imbrute.

Gargoyles as storytellers in the moonlight's gleam,

In the Silent Castle, where tales teem.

Chambers with secrets in the moonlit haze,

Chronicles of the Silent Castle, where time sways.

Whispers in the stone, where silence is grown,

In the castle's courtyard, where echoes are thrown.

Drawbridges as pathways to the untold,

In the Silent Castle's chronicles, where mysteries unfold.

Carved in stone, the stories are honed,

In the castle's realm, where the past is zoned.

So listen to the echoes in the silent domain,

Chronicles of the Silent Castle, where stories remain.

In the stone-carved passages, where history is stoned,

Whispers of the castle, where tales are intoned.

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