Requiem for the Lost Horizon - Songs of the Vanishing - Poem Lyrics in English


Requiem for the Lost Horizon - Songs of the Vanishing - Poem Lyrics in English

In the realm where horizons silently part,

Requiem for the Lost Horizon, songs of the vanishing, aching hearts.

Echoes of farewells in the fading light,

A symphony of loss, where shadows unite.

Songs sung for the vanishing in the twilight's glow,

In the Requiem for the Lost Horizon, where memories bestow.

Melodies for the horizons that quietly depart,

A requiem of echoes, where emotions chart.

Sunsets paint the sky with hues of farewell,

In the Lost Horizon's requiem, where echoes swell.

Songs for the vanishing, in the evening's descent,

A symphony of emotions, where sorrows invent.

Stars weep in the celestial expanse,

In the Requiem for the Lost Horizon, where dreams enhance.

Melodies for the horizons lost in the night,

A requiem of whispers, where darkness alights.

Moonlight mourns for the horizons unseen,

In the Lost Horizon's requiem, where shadows convene.

Songs for the vanishing, where silence imparts,

A symphony of echoes, in the realm of hearts.

Requiem for the Lost Horizon - Songs of the Vanishing - Poem Lyrics in English
Requiem for the Lost Horizon - Songs of the Vanishing - Poem Lyrics in English

So let the requiem echo in the quiet night,

For the Lost Horizon, where shadows take flight.

Songs of the vanishing, where emotions impart,

A timeless symphony, in the requiem's heart.

In the requiem for the lost horizon, where dreams dissolve,

Songs of the vanishing in the echoes evolve.

Melodies mourn the fading hues,

In the lost horizon's requiem, where echoes bruise.

Sunsets weep in a somber ballet,

Songs of the vanishing, where memories sway.

Whispers of the wind in the twilight's trance,

In the requiem for the lost, where dreams enhance.

Stars flicker like tears in the cosmic sea,

In the lost horizon's requiem, where echoes plea.

Moonlight reflects on the fleeting shore,

Songs of the vanishing, forevermore.

Listen to the requiem in the silent night,

In the vanishing songs, where echoes alight.

A symphony of loss, a celestial cry,

In the requiem for the lost horizon, where dreams say goodbye.

In the realm of shadows where horizons fade,

Requiem for the Lost Horizon, songs of the vanishing cascade.

Melodies that mourn the fading light,

A symphony of echoes, where day turns to night.

Whispers in the winds, tales of the unseen,

In the Requiem's notes, where the lost have been.

Songs of the vanishing in the twilight's embrace,

In the melancholy echoes, where memories erase.

Sunset hues paint the requiem's score,

For the Lost Horizon, where dreams implore.

A lament for the vanishing, where echoes trace,

In the requiem's verses, where time leaves its trace.

Stars as witnesses to the fading sky,

Requiem for the Lost Horizon, where dreams say goodbye.

Songs of the vanishing, where the echoes pace,

In the requiem's somber embrace.

Moonbeams dance on the requiem's refrain,

For the Lost Horizon, where shadows gain.

A dirge for the vanishing, where the echoes trace,

In the requiem's sorrowful embrace.

So let the requiem echo through the night,

For the Lost Horizon, where dreams take flight.

Songs of the vanishing, in the melancholy space,

In the requiem's whispers, where time and echoes interlace.

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