Sculpting Echoes in the Heart - Carving Memories with Love - Poem Lyrics in English


Sculpting Echoes in the Heart - Carving Memories with Love - Poem Lyrics in English

In the quiet spaces where emotions gently start,

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart, carving memories with love, a work of art.

Soft whispers linger in the tender breeze,

A symphony of emotions, where love finds ease.

Hands that mold the echoes, like clay in an embrace,

In the Heart's sculpture, where memories trace.

Carving moments with the chisel of affection,

A timeless masterpiece, in the heart's collection.

Eyes that paint the echoes, in hues of tenderness,

Sculpting memories with love, a delicate finesse.

In the canvas of emotions, where feelings approve,

A symphony of echoes, where love does move.

Sculpting the echoes, with the touch of care,

Carving memories with love, in the heart's lair.

A dance of emotions, like a fluttering dove,

A timeless symphony, sculpted with love.

Heartbeats compose the rhythm of the sculptor's song,

In the Echoes of the Heart, where love belongs.

Carving memories with the brush of the dove,

A symphony of emotions, sculpted with love.

So let the echoes linger in the heart's quiet spree,

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart, where love is free.

Carving memories with the brush of the dove,

A timeless symphony, sculpted with love.

In the heart's sacred chamber, where emotions unfold,

Sculpting echoes in the heart, memories carved in gold.

Love, the chisel that shapes with grace,

Carving memories in the heart's embrace.

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart -- Carving Memories with Love - Poem Lyrics in English
Sculpting Echoes in the Heart -- Carving Memories with Love - Poem Lyrics in English

Moonlight bathes the memories in a soft glow,

In the heart's echoes, where emotions flow.

Stars twinkle like fragments of moments above,

Carving memories with the chisel of love.

Footprints of laughter, etched in the soul,

Sculpting echoes in the heart, making memories whole.

Each heartbeat a stroke, a rhythm so sweet,

Carving memories with love's tender beat.

Whispers of time in the heart's silent hall,

Sculpting echoes, memories that enthrall.

Listen to the symphony, a melodic dove,

Carving memories in the heart with the language of love.

In the gallery of emotions where echoes persist,

Sculpting memories in the heart, where love subsists.

A masterpiece of moments, a canvas above,

Carving memories with the chisel of love.

In the chambers of the heart, where echoes softly play,

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart, where memories find their way.

Carving moments with love, a tender art,

A symphony of whispers, where emotions impart.

Hands that sculpt in the quiet of the soul,

In the heart's atelier, where memories enroll.

A gentle touch, a stroke so fine,

Carving echoes in the heart, where love intertwine.

Time as a sculptor, shaping moments so dear,

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart, where emotions revere.

A dance with memories in the moonlit cove,

Carving with love, a testament of trove.

Words etched in the sculpture of the soul,

In the heart's gallery, where emotions enroll.

A canvas of love, where memories chart,

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart, where love imparts.

Silent whispers resonate in the chamber's reprieve,

Carving memories with love, where emotions believe.

In the heart's sanctuary, where echoes start,

Sculpting moments with love, where memories impart.

So let the sculpting continue in the heart's gentle art,

Sculpting Echoes in the Heart, where love will chart.

Carving memories with love, a timeless counterpart,

In the heart's masterpiece, where echoes restart.

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