Requiem for the Withered Rose - A Farewell to Beauty as Petals Fall in Silent Lament - Poem Lyrics in English


Requiem for the Withered Rose - A Farewell to Beauty as Petals Fall in Silent Lament - Poem Lyrics in English

In the garden's lament, where silence prevails,

A requiem for the withered rose, as beauty wanes.

Petals fall in a dance of bittersweet grace,

A farewell to splendor, in nature's embrace.

Once vibrant hues now faded and pale,

In the requiem's whisper, a melancholy tale.

The withered rose, a symbol of the transient bloom,

In the garden's farewell, where sorrows loom.

Morning dew weeps on the petals' decline,

A requiem sung, as beauty resigns.

Gentle breezes carry the fragrance away,

In the withered rose's farewell, where memories sway.

Thorns, once hidden, now stand stark,

In the requiem's echo, shadows embark.

A symphony of sorrow in the garden's repose,

A requiem for the withered rose.

Oh, withered rose, in your final reprieve,

A requiem sung, as beauty takes its leave.

Petals fall, a silent lament,

In the garden's farewell, where sorrows are sent.

In silent lament

Requiem for the Withered Rose - A Farewell to Beauty as Petals Fall in Silent Lament - Poem Lyrics in English
Requiem for the Withered Rose - A Farewell to Beauty as Petals Fall in Silent Lament - Poem Lyrics in English

, the withered rose weeps,

A requiem for beauty, as its petals sleep.

Farewell to the bloom, once vibrant and bright,

As it bows to time's touch, in the fading light.

Each petal that falls, a tear in the breeze,

A whisper of farewell, carried with ease.

In the garden's embrace, where memories cling,

The withered rose sings, its final offering.

In the quiet of dusk, where shadows reside,

The requiem for the rose echoes far and wide.

A farewell to beauty, as nature's course unfurls,

In the withered rose's song, the soul of the world.

So let us honor the withered rose's plight,

In its requiem for beauty, in the fading light.

For in its farewell, we find solace and grace,

In the withered rose's silent embrace.

In silent lament, petals fall,

A requiem for the withered rose, in nature's call,

A farewell to beauty as time takes its toll,

In the garden's embrace, where memories enroll.

Each petal a memory, a moment in time,

In the withered rose's embrace, where dreams intertwine,

With each gentle breeze, a sigh of regret,

In the garden's lament, where beauty begets.

As the petals drift to the earth below,

A requiem for the withered rose, in nature's flow,

Their fragrance lingers in the evening air,

In the garden's sorrow, where memories fare.

So let us bid farewell to beauty's bloom,

In the requiem for the withered rose's gloom,

For in the garden's lament, we find,

The beauty of life, in its eternal bind.

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